September 01, 2005


Welcome to the third edition of Noon Spool. For those who have been with us since the start, welcome back. For those who are here for the first time, welcome aboard. This month we are again bringing you four excellent stories. Month by month we are building a bank of good fiction in short bites; a place where you can always take a short break with a good read.

So here is a guided tour. These are the systems that you can use to find the stories that are right for you.
What kind of story do you want today? The 'Categories' link in the right sidebar will take you to a directory of links to all of the stories, sorted into broad categories. If you want a laugh, look to 'Humor'. Crime drama, Childhood, Fantasy...we will continue to expand our selection month by month.
Where can I find more by this author? The 'Our Writers' link will take you to an alphabetical listing of all of our contributing authors. Under each author you will find links to each of their stories here in Noon Spool, as well as their own websites or other places you can find their work.
I just found this site. What have I missed? Check out our 'Back Issues' link. There you will find links to each story sorted by their date of publication.

Hope that helps. Now, we proudly present this month's selections!

Dragon Hunting, in which Nathan Simpson carries human courage across the lines of fantasy and reality.

The Bird. Christopher Miller returns with an inside look into the complex mind.

Cuckoo in the Canaries, by Rebecca Holmes is a drama that offers a surprising twist.

Stained Glass, in which Susan Page speaks of sharing space.

Enjoy this issue!